Electro Optical Components offers ANAREX Custom Multigas Analyzers to fit what you need. These Gas…

Easy to Use Electrochemical Gas Sensor Calibrators
These Gas Sensor Calibrators are designed for calibration and bump test of the 4 and 7 series gas sensors. Gases included are Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) & Formaldehyde (CH2O). They can be used in the laboratory and in the field.
The gas carrier exchanges (either desorbs or absorbs) the gas in the equilibrium gas chamber. Unlike a traditional gas detector or sensor calibration system, this device eliminates tubes, valves, regulators, and other mechanisms required for calibration. It provides not only the convenience of use but also better accuracy of the gas concentration. Testable gases are:
- Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) – 1 – 15ppm
- Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) – 1 – 50ppm
- Formaldehyde (CH2O) – 2 – 20ppm
Electro Optical Components has a complete line of Electrochemical Sensors and Accessories for your gas sensing requirements.
Electro Optical Components Inc.
Toll Free: (855) 362-6300 | (707) 568-1642
info@eoc-inc.com | www.eoc-inc.com