EOC and greenTEG AG offer to sponsor Covid-19 research with the greenTEG unique Fever-Monitor

The current COVID-19 global pandemic raises many challenges for individuals, companies, and governments. As the disease has spread to well nearly 200 countries, the devastating health and socio-economic impact of the pandemic becomes evident. Consequently, these developments have sparked wide-scale initiatives by companies and individuals to develop new tools like vaccines, protective equipment, or monitoring solutions to assist in the battle of this unexpected crisis.
Fever is the most common initial symptom of the virus and this is where greenTEG wants to help. Their non-invasive and continuous core body temperature monitoring patch enables early fever detection using only skin contact. The accuracy of the device has been verified in multiple clinical studies.
We believe that this solution can reduce the strain on the healthcare system by monitoring healthcare professionals exposed to the virus and by furthermore monitoring general ward patients, thus freeing up precious nursing resources. The device can further be effective for scientists researching the influence of the novel Coronavirus on the body temperature (e.g. temperature patterns).
EOC and greenTEG are offering expertise and this technology as a contribution to overcome the current Corona crisis faster and with less sacrifice. greenTEG is willing to sponsor sensors for selected medical research on Covid-19 patients or health care workers. At the same time EOC and greenTEG are looking for partners capable of bringing its continuous and non-invasive core body temperature monitoring solution to the market as quickly as possible. Interested researchers or clinicians as well as potential commercialization partners, please contact EOC ASAP.