Electro Optical Components introduces the new 4H2S-100HT Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) sensor, for applications in high…

Hydrogen (H2) Sensors for High Voltage Transformers & Switches
Monitoring the Hydrogen (H2) levels in their oil is the most effective way of tracking high voltage power equipment health (transformers and switches). Electro Optical Components offers hydrogen specific gas sensors that work as a DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) Monitor for oil condition monitoring.
These Hydrogen (H2) sensors are accurate and reliable for monitoring the increase in hydrogen in high voltage transformer & switch oil with features like:
- no membrane – direct measurement in oil
- no consumables & no routine maintenance
- no cross sensitivity with other gas – avoid false alarm
- long life span – over 10 years
- low cost – best price / performance ratio in the market
- compact size – adapts to smaller space installation